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Effectiveness of techniques described in the blog posts

I tested most of the techniques in isolated conditions. That enables me to confirm or deny the performance of a particular technique. If I have not personally tried a technique, it will be disclosed the in the blogpost. The effectiveness of a particular technique is the result of specific conditions and I cannot guarantee that you will have the same results. I am not responsible for the results that occur if you use one or more techniques described on the blog.

To show the effectiveness of certain technique, you need to have completely controlled conditions. For example: you will fail to test the impact of a keyword in the Meta Title tag if you are doing a strong link building during the experiment.

Support and assistance

I do not provide support for using tools or implementing techniques described in this blog. Of course, I will gladly help if you have any questions, although I will usually send a link to the official support page of a particular service provider. The documentation quite extensive so please first try to get the answer at the following addresses.

Google Webmaster Support
Google AdWords Support
Facebook Help

Copying articles and republishing blog content

The content of the nenad.blog.com is the property of the author. Nenad Pantelic, as an author, is responsible for the statements written in the posts.

You can republish a part of the article or entire article on your website only if you specify a source in the form of a hyperlink. If you publish content in print media, please disclose the source in the following form: "Original source is nenad.blog".

It is not permitted to publish part of an article or entire article and take credit for the content (as if you have written it).

The consequences of unauthorized republishing of this blog content:

- Report infringement of intellectual property rights to your hosting company
- Sending a Google DMCA application.
- Legal protection of intellectual property rights.

Read the Creative Commons licence that applies to this blog.

The issue of republishing blog posts is a matter of manners and professionalism. If you take something from here, do not claim to have written it yourself, but notify your readers that you took the content. Fair enough.


Blog does not have the commenting functionality. At the end of each blog post you can find links to posts on Facebook or Twitter where you can discuss and comment.

Paid announcements by third parties, advertising, sponsored texts

I do not accept any kind of advertising and paid promotions on the blog. If you see an image banner or text that in a positive, neutral or negative context writes about certain products or services, be assured that I did not receive any compensation for the content.