About me


Nenad Pantelic

Hi, my name is Nenad Pantelic, I am from Belgrade, Serbia and I have been working in Internet marketing for nine years.

I specialize in SEO, link building, PPC (search & display), social media marketing, local SEO, online reputation management, retargeting and conversion rate optimization.

It might be cumbersome to deal with all these buzzwords; therefore, it is best to say that I help companies to showcase their products & services on the Internet to more people, and at the time when they are looking for those exact products or services. Simply said, I allow customers to find the offers of my clients.

Full bio

SEO & Growth Specialist offering bespoke SEO services to clients nationally and internationally. Services include technical SEO audits, strategic SEO planning, ongoing SEO consulting, and SEO training. I have several years experience building highly qualified traffic through SEO and content marketing.

After years of doing freelance web development I was introduced to SEO and strengthened my skills first as an independent SEO specialist for three years, and later at LinkGroup where I worked as the Lead User Acquisition Manager.

Today, with nine years of experience, I am Head of Growth at Sentinel Software Ltd, company that specializes in SEO, Web Development, Software Development, Content Strategy, Conversion Rate Optimization, Audience Research, and Marketing Automation.

As an SEO consultant, I have worked with both startups and small & medium-sized enterprises to create online growth and to increase qualified leads and profit across organic and paid channels.

Lecturer on SEO and PPC for the Internet Academy, LinkGroup University in Belgrade, Serbia.

Conference speaker on SEO, PPC, Growth Marketing, and the User Acquisition.

Learning all the time

Honestly speaking, I feel like it has been a lot more than nine years. Everything started from pure curiosity when I tried to help my friend to increase reservations of his hotel on the outskirts of the city. I remember exactly the moment when I informed him that we had achieved the first page of Google's search results for "accommodation in Belgrade". What he did not know was that I could not just stop there. Two months later I got number three! And the best of all, site visitors started booking accommodation. Nikola saw the benefit of Internet marketing for his business, I saw the great opportunity in SEO.

Providing the value

Today I am promoting online presence of companies from the UK, Australia, Spain, Finland, USA and the locally from Serbia. The most beautiful of all is that I still have a childish curiosity whenever I work with the new client. I am researching, analyzing what can be improved, how to beat the competition, where is "the low-hanging fruit", examining the target audience and how to reach it effectively. I admit, experience has taught me that not everything is in positions, rankings, and other technical details. I only look at SEO, PPC, and web analytics as tools. They are not the ultimate goal. The goal is to make profit, improve business.


Real Estate (short-term renting, sale), aviation, mobile app user acquisition, SaaS startups, insurance, education, travel (summer and winter resorts), hotel bookings, hospitality (restaurant, pubs, bars), car dealers, online TV, interior design, pets, plastic surgery, dentistry, sports medicine, luxury goods, cloud document sharing, office space rental, sports clubs, food delivery, agriculture and more.

List of notable clients

011 info


Flexi Offices

Gemma Clinic


Progibe SPA

Dream Estates


Portal Analitika

Progibe SPA


Whenever I am available, I love to visit conferences either as a visitor or as a speaker. So far, I have had ten keynotes at eight conferences, where I talked about my experiences in SEO, PPC, e-commerce, social media and general online promotion.

Let's connect on social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

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