Nenad Pantelic | SEO & Growth Specialist from Belgrade, Serbia

Hi, my name is Nenad, I am an Analytics, SEO and PPC specialist from Serbia, an independent consultant and Head of Growth at Blueberry Digital, and founder of Strap Hunter.

This blog is the place where you can read about my marketing strategies, ideas, experiments and results.

Blog posts

April 22, 2018
Status 410 for better crawl budget and removing content from the Google index

April 14, 2018
AdWords Sitelinks: How to hack this ad extension to get more conversions?

March 19, 2018
This idea is so stupid. Let me see if it will work!

February 12, 2018
Latin & Cyrillic scripts on the same site: Guide for the correct hreflang setup

January 27, 2018
Non-www to www redirections using .htaccess file rules

December 26, 2017
Skills every SEO specialist should have

November 15, 2017
Local negative keywords in Google AdWords and PPC advertising


Would you like to contact me? Details are here →

Would you like to hire me? I am currently unavailable for new clients

Let's connect on social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Would you like to hear me speaking at your event?

I would love to share my knowledge. I spoke at numerous IT conferences in the region and held workshops in the field of SEO, web analytics and e-commerce.

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